The Tech Hamster

Say Goodbye to Annoying Wretched Robocalls: Practical Solutions Explored

how to stop robocalls

Frustrated with Robocalls, We Can Help Are you tired of constant interruptions from pesky robocalls? Isn’t it frustrating to pick up the phone only to hear an automated voice on the other end? Well, it’s time to say goodbye to those annoying robocalls once and for all. In this article, we will share practical strategies […]

QR Code Scams. There Is Hope Against The Exploits

QR code scams

QR or “Quick Response” codes are not new. They have been around for a few years and have many legitimate uses. Restaurants, merchandise stores, or inside Product packaging often use QR codes. In this article, we will discuss how QR codes work. What you should do if someone texts or e-mails you a QR code […]

Best VPN service for 2023

VPN best service

Introduction to VPN for PC The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and we use it for everything from work to entertainment. However, while the internet is beneficial, it can also be dangerous. One of the ways to stay safe online is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). But how […]

Why is Cyber Security Important ?

why is cyber security important

Introduction – Why Is Cyber Security Important Cyber security and its importance have become essential to modern life in today’s increasingly digital world. With the rise of the internet and digital communication, businesses and individuals alike are more vulnerable to cyber attacks than ever before. This article will explore why cyber security is essential and […]

New Data Privacy Law in the US

Could the US implement Data Privacy Laws to protect it's citizens

Why is there no data privacy law in the US? In the US, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has issued a request for feedback via a public forum where anyone can weigh in on how big tech handles your data. This notice and forum are to collect information and thoughts ahead of future rules regarding […]

The History of Ransomware? Are Viruses now gone?

Beware of Ransomware and Computer Virus

History The History of ransomware? What are the significant differences between them and viruses? Originally, in the early days of personal computing, software was distributed either as commercial software or from public domain libraries. Therefore, floppy disks were used to spread computer viruses. Sneakernet was the term given to someone who would bring you a […]